The Private Pilot License

What is a private pilot? Well it's the first step of many in your aviation career. A private pilot license allows you to fly small single engine aircraft in good weather. Before you obtain your private license you are considered a student pilot. A student pilot learns basic aircraft handling, in-flight maneuvers, navigation, and FAA regulations over a period of approximately 40-60hrs of flying

More About The Private Pilot License

Basic Requirements

Here are just a few of the basics requirements for the Private Pilot License. We’ll discuss more about each of these requirements later in this section.

You must be able to read, speak, write, and understand the English Language

You must be able to obtain at least a 3rd class FAA medical certificate

You must be 16 years old to obtain your student pilot license

You must to be 17 years old to obtain your private pilot license

You have to acquire 40 hours total flying time

10 hours of the 40 hours must be solo (alone) flight time

5 hours of the 10 solo must be cross-country (flying from one airport to another)

You must pass the FAA Private Pilot written exam

You must pass the Private Pilot Oral and Practical Exam

The Student Pilot License  & Medical Certificates

Before you are a private pilot and while you are learning to fly you are a student pilot. You obtain your student pilot license at the same time that you apply for your medical certificate. There are 3 classes of the medical certificates. Each one has more stringent medical criteria that must be met before being issued. A private pilot license only requires a 3rd class, the least restrictive of the medical certificates. Your flight instructor can give you a list of FAA certified medical examiners in your area were you could have your exam done. At the end of the exam the doctor removes a portion of the form you fill out and this serves as both your student pilot license and medical certificate.

As we mentioned earlier you need to be 16 years of age to obtain your student pilot license. You can start flying at any age but you can’t do solo fight (which is a requirement for the private pilot license) until age 16. You need to be age 17 to obtain your private pilot license. Starting earlier might make your training process longer and more expensive. However don’t let it stop you from taking a few introductory lessons. That way you can’t decide if flying is something you really want to do.


Your first few lessons will help familiarize you with the aircraft you are training in. You won’t be worrying about learning rules or procedures, just the basics of maneuvering the aircraft under visual flight rules or VFR. VFR encompasses flying by looking outside and using visual cues for aircraft control and navigation.

After your first few flights training focuses on prep for your first solo flight. You learn about the airport traffic pattern and radio communications with ATC or air traffic control. Once you can fly the traffic pattern and talk on the radio unassisted, its time for your instructor to turn you loose for your first solo flight. This usually consists of a few take-off and landings in the airport traffic pattern. After your initial solo you will be let loose to practice aerial maneuvers on your own within close proximity to the Bradford Airport..

After your first few solo flights training moves on to cross-country navigation. You learn various elements of flight planning and navigation by reference to checkpoints on the ground. You and your instructor will go on several cross-country flights to help hone these skills. Once you can find your way without assistance from the instructor, he or she will then “sign off” your student pilot certificate for solo cross country flight. You then have a few solo cross-country flights to build time as well as confidence in your abilities.

After cross-countries there is not much left until your practical test or check ride. Your instructor brushes up your skills on aerial maneuvers such as stalls, steep turns, and slow flight. There is also a requirement for flight at night; night cross-country and a few hours flying by sole reference to your instruments. You will also practice your emergency procedures like engine failures, loss of radio communications and inadvertent flight into poor weather or clouds.

After you have met all the hour requirements and your instructor is confident in your abilities they will “sign off” your logbook, which means you meet all the requirements for the private pilot license and your instructor feels you are ready to take the private pilot check ride. You are then sent to a FAA examiner for the oral and practical test.


So what are all these tests and check rides? There are three main tests you must pass in order to obtain your private license. They are the FAA Written, a computer test of aeronautical knowledge, the Oral Exam which is a one on one verbal questioning by the FAA examiner and the Practical Exam which is the actual flight test were you demonstrate your flying and navigation skills to the FAA examiner. Below is a little about each of the Tests.

The FAA Written

In addition to your flight training you will receive many hours of ground instruction from your flight instructor. The areas of instruction include, aerodynamics, Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR’s), airspace, navigation, cross-country planning, weather, and aircraft performance calculations. There are many training aides to assist you in your studies including videos, computer programs, review books, and websites.

The FAA Oral Exam

During the oral exam the FAA examiner will assess your level of aeronautical knowledge through verbal questioning. The examiner usually has you plan a cross-country from the airport where you are taking the check ride to another airport of their choice. They use your planning to see if you know what is required to be a safe pilot. They might ask you questions about the airspace you will be flying through on your trip, how long the flight will take and how did you come up with computed numbers on your flight plan. Once the examiner is satisfied at your level of knowledge you will then proceed to the practical portion of the check ride.

The FAA Practical Exam

The practical exam is where it all comes together. You finally get a chance to show the examiner that you have the skills to be a private pilot. You will fly to the first few checkpoints to demonstrate your cross-country navigation skills. Once the examiner is satisfied with your navigation he or she will have you demonstrate the required aerial maneuvers such as stalls, steep turns, and flight a slow speeds. Somewhere along the way the examiner will pull back the throttle to simulate an engine failure. They want to see your ability to handle an emergency and the set up for an emergency landing. After the in-flight procedures you head back to the airport and demonstrate some landings. Assuming all goes well at the end of the flight the examiner fills out your temporary license (a permanent one comes in the mail) and you are now a private pilot. You are officially licensed to fly on your own. Some say you are now licensed to learn.


All this stuff sounds like fun right? Well what’s it going to cost me? Well that depends on a lot of things. For one the minimum amount of flying required to get your private is 40 hours, but the national average is about 60 hours. Aircraft rental for single engine airplanes can range from $70 to $120 per hour, but when you are flying dual (with an instructor) you have to pay the instructor fee which can range anywhere $30-$45 per hour. So lets look at an example of how much is costs.

60hrs aircraft rental  @ $75hr =$4500

40hrs of instruction  @ $35=$1400

30 hrs of ground instruction @ $30=$900

Total Price=$6800 (This figure is only an example)

This figure can be more or less depending on how many hours of training it takes, (every person will be different) and how much your rental and instructor rates are. Not included are the cost of training supplies such as books, maps, headsets, log books, etc. We have pre-pay options (generally referred to as block time) and financing arrangements for qualified individuals, all of which qualify for discounts. Also, as a general rule, the more often you fly, the fewer hours it takes to become proficient, thus your total training costs become less expensive.

Private Pilot FAR's

Private Pilot Eligibility Requirements

61.103 Eligibility requirements: General.

To be eligible for a private pilot certificate, a person must:

(a) Be at least 17 years of age for a rating in other than a glider or balloon.

(b) Be at least 16 years of age for a rating in a glider or balloon.

(c) Be able to read, speak, write, and understand the English language. If the applicant is unable to meet one of these requirements due to medical reasons, then the Administrator may place such operating limitations on that applicant's pilot certificate as are necessary for the safe operation of the aircraft.

(d) Receive a logbook endorsement from an authorized instructor who:

(1) Conducted the training or reviewed the person's home study on the aeronautical knowledge areas listed in Sec. 61.105(b) of this part that apply to the aircraft rating sought; and

(2) Certified that the person is prepared for the required knowledge test.

(e) Pass the required knowledge test on the aeronautical knowledge areas listed in Sec. 61.105(b) of this part.

(f) Receive flight training and a logbook endorsement from an authorized instructor who:

(1) Conducted the training in the areas of operation listed in Sec. 61.107(b) of this part that apply to the aircraft rating sought; and

(2) Certified that the person is prepared for the required practical test.

(g) Meet the aeronautical experience requirements of this part that apply to the aircraft rating sought before applying for the practical test.

(h) Pass a practical test on the areas of operation listed in Sec. 61.107(b) of this part that apply to the aircraft rating sought.

(i) Comply with the appropriate sections of this part that apply to the aircraft category and class rating sought.

Sec. 61.105 Aeronautical knowledge.

(a) General. A person who is applying for a private pilot certificate must receive and log ground training from an authorized instructor or complete a home-study course on the aeronautical knowledge areas of paragraph (b) of this section that apply to the aircraft category and class rating sought.

(b) Aeronautical knowledge areas.

(1) Applicable Federal Aviation Regulations of this chapter that relate to private pilot privileges, limitations, and flight operations;

(2) Accident reporting requirements of the National Transportation Safety Board;

(3) Use of the applicable portions of the "Aeronautical Information Manual" and FAA advisory circulars;

(4) Use of aeronautical charts for VFR navigation using pilotage, dead reckoning, and navigation systems;

(5) Radio communication procedures;

(6) Recognition of critical weather situations from the ground and in flight, wind shear avoidance, and the procurement and use of aeronautical weather reports and forecasts;

(7) Safe and efficient operation of aircraft, including collision avoidance, and recognition and avoidance of wake turbulence;

(8) Effects of density altitude on takeoff and climb performance;

(9) Weight and balance computations;

(10) Principles of aerodynamics, power plants, and aircraft systems;

(11) Stall awareness, spin entry, spins, and spin recovery techniques for the airplane and glider category ratings;

(12) Aeronautical decision making and judgment; and

(13) Preflight action that includes--

(i) How to obtain information on runway lengths at airports of intended use, data on takeoff and landing distances, weather reports and forecasts, and fuel requirements; and

(ii) How to plan for alternatives if the planned flight cannot be completed or delays are encountered.

Private Pilot Flight Proficiency
Sec. 61.107 Flight proficiency.

(a) General. A person who applies for a private pilot certificate must receive and log ground and flight training from an authorized instructor on the areas of operation of this section that apply to the aircraft category and class rating sought.

(b) Areas of operation. (1) For an airplane category rating with a single-engine class rating: (i) Preflight preparation;

(ii) Preflight procedures;

(iii) Airport and seaplane base operations;

(iv) Takeoffs, landings, and go-arounds;

(v) Performance maneuvers;

(vi) Ground reference maneuvers;

(vii) Navigation;

(viii) Slow flight and stalls;

(ix) Basic instrument maneuvers;

(x) Emergency operations;

(xi) Night operations, except as provided in Sec. 61.110 of this part; and

(xii) Post flight procedures.

(2) For an airplane category rating with a multi engine class rating:

(i) Preflight preparation;

(ii) Preflight procedures;

(iii) Airport and seaplane base operations;

(iv) Takeoffs, landings, and go-arounds;

(v) Performance maneuvers;

(vi) Ground reference maneuvers;

(vii) Navigation;

(viii) Slow flight and stalls;

(ix) Basic instrument maneuvers;

(x) Emergency operations;

(xi) Multi engine operations;

(xii) Night operations, except as provided in Sec. 61.110 of this part; and

(xiii) Post flight procedures.

(3) For a rotor craft category rating with a helicopter class rating:

(i) Preflight preparation;

(ii) Preflight procedures;

(iii) Airport and heliport operations;

(iv) Hovering maneuvers;

(v) Takeoffs, landings, and go-arounds;

(vi) Performance maneuvers;

(vii) Navigation;

(viii) Emergency operations;

(ix) Night operations, except as provided in Sec. 61.110 of this part; and

(x) Postflight procedures.

(4) For a rotor craft category rating with a gyroplane class rating:

(i) Preflight preparation;

(ii) Preflight procedures;

(iii) Airport operations;

(iv) Takeoffs, landings, and go-arounds;

(v) Performance maneuvers;

(vi) Ground reference maneuvers;

(vii) Navigation;

(viii) Flight at slow airspeeds;

(ix) Emergency operations;

(x) Night operations, except as provided in Sec. 61.110 of this part; and

(xi) Postflight procedures.

(5) For a powered-lift category rating: (i) Preflight preparation;

(ii) Preflight procedures;

(iii) Airport and heliport operations;

(iv) Hovering maneuvers;

(v) Takeoffs, landings, and go-arounds;

(vi) Performance maneuvers;

(vii) Ground reference maneuvers;

(viii) Navigation;

(ix) Slow flight and stalls;

(x) Basic instrument maneuvers;

(xi) Emergency operations;

(xii) Night operations, except as provided in Sec. 61.110 of this part; and

(xiii) Postflight procedures.

(6) For a glider category rating: (i) Preflight preparation;

(ii) Preflight procedures;

(iii) Airport and gliderport operations;

(iv) Launches and landings;

(v) Performance speeds;

(vi) Soaring techniques;

(vii) Performance maneuvers;

(viii) Navigation;

(ix) Slow flight and stalls;

(x) Emergency operations; and

(xi) Postflight procedures.

(7) For a lighter-than-air category rating with an airship class rating:

(i) Preflight preparation;

(ii) Preflight procedures;

(iii) Airport operations;

(iv) Takeoffs, landings, and go-arounds;

(v) Performance maneuvers;

(vi) Ground reference maneuvers;

(vii) Navigation;

(viii) Emergency operations; and

(ix) Postflight procedures.

(8) For a lighter-than-air category rating with a balloon class rating:

(i) Preflight preparation;

(ii) Preflight procedures;

(iii) Airport operations;

(iv) Launches and landings;

(v) Performance maneuvers;

(vi) Navigation;

(vii) Emergency operations; and

(viii) Postflight procedures.

Private Pilot Aeronautical Experience

Sec. 61.109 Aeronautical experience.

(a) For an airplane single-engine rating. Except as provided in paragraph (i) of this section, a person who applies for a private pilot certificate with an airplane category and single-engine class rating must log at least 40 hours of flight time that includes at least 20 hours of flight training from an authorized instructor and 10 hours of solo flight training in the areas of operation listed in Sec. 61.107(b)(1) of this part, and the training must include at least--

(1) 3 hours of cross-country flight training in a single-engine airplane;

(2) Except as provided in Sec. 61.110 of this part, 3 hours of night flight training in a single-engine airplane that includes--

(i) One cross-country flight of over 100 nautical miles total distance; and

(ii) 10 takeoffs and 10 landings to a full stop (with each landing involving a flight in the traffic pattern) at an airport.

(3) 3 hours of flight training in a single-engine airplane on the control and maneuvering of an airplane solely by reference to instruments, including straight and level flight, constant airspeed climbs and descents, turns to a heading, recovery from unusual flight attitudes, radio communications, and the use of navigation systems/facilities and radar services appropriate to instrument flight;

(4) 3 hours of flight training in preparation for the practical test in a single-engine airplane, which must have been performed within 60 days preceding the date of the test; and

(5) 10 hours of solo flight time in a single-engine airplane, consisting of at least--

(i) 5 hours of solo cross-country time;

(ii) One solo cross-country flight of at least 150 nautical miles total distance, with full-stop landings at a minimum of three points, and one segment of the flight consisting of a straight-line distance of at least 50 nautical miles between the takeoff and landing locations; and

(iii) Three takeoffs and three landings to a full stop (with each landing involving a flight in the traffic pattern) at an airport with an operating

control tower.

(b) For an airplane multiengine rating. Except as provided in paragraph (i) of this section, a person who applies for a private pilot certificate with an airplane category and multiengine class rating must log at least 40 hours of flight time that includes at least 20 hours of flight training from an authorized instructor and 10 hours of solo flight training in the areas of operation listed in Sec. 61.107(b)(2) of this part, and the training must

include at least--

(1) 3 hours of cross-country flight training in a multiengine airplane;

(2) Except as provided in Sec. 61.110 of this part, 3 hours of night flight training in a multiengine airplane that includes--

(i) One cross-country flight of over 100 nautical miles total distance; and

(ii) 10 takeoffs and 10 landings to a full stop (with each landing involving a flight in the traffic pattern) at an airport.

(3) 3 hours of flight training in a multiengine airplane on the control and maneuvering of an airplane solely by reference to instruments, including straight and level flight, constant airspeed climbs and descents, turns to a heading, recovery from unusual flight attitudes, radio communications, and the use of navigation systems/facilities and radar services appropriate to instrument flight;

(4) 3 hours of flight training in preparation for the practical test in a multiengine airplane, which must have been performed within the 60-day period preceding the date of the test; and

(5) 10 hours of solo flight time in an airplane consisting of at least--

(i) 5 hours of solo cross-country time;

(ii) One solo cross-country flight of at least 150 nautical miles total distance, with full-stop landings at a minimum of three points, and one segment of the flight consisting of a straight-line distance of at least 50 nautical miles between the takeoff and landing locations; and

(iii) Three takeoffs and three landings to a full stop (with each landing involving a flight in the traffic pattern) at an airport with an operating control tower.

(c) For a helicopter rating. Except as provided in paragraph (i) of this section, a person who applies for a private pilot certificate with rotor craft category and helicopter class rating must log at least 40 hours of flight time that includes at least 20 hours of flight training from an authorized instructor and 10 hours of solo flight training in the areas of operation listed in Sec. 61.107(b)(3) of this part, and the training must include at least--

(1) 3 hours of cross-country flight training in a helicopter;

(2) Except as provided in Sec. 61.110 of this part, 3 hours of night flight training in a helicopter that includes--

(i) One cross-country flight of over 50 nautical miles total distance; and

(ii) 10 takeoffs and 10 landings to a full stop (with each landing involving a flight in the traffic pattern) at an airport.

(3) 3 hours of flight training in preparation for the practical test in a helicopter, which must have been performed within 60 days preceding the date of the test; and

(4) 10 hours of solo flight time in a helicopter, consisting of at least--

(i) 3 hours cross-country time;

(ii) One solo cross-country flight of at least 75 nautical miles total distance, with landings at a minimum of three points, and one segment of the flight being a straight-line distance of at least 25 nautical miles between the takeoff and landing locations; and

(iii) Three takeoffs and three landings to a full stop (with each landing involving a flight in the traffic pattern) at an airport with an operating control tower.

(d) For a gyroplane rating. Except as provided in paragraph (i) of this section, a person who applies for a private pilot certificate with rotor craft category and gyroplane class rating must log at least 40 hours of flight time that includes at least 20 hours of flight training from an authorized instructor and 10 hours of solo flight training in the areas of operation listed in Sec. 61.107(b)(4) of this part, and the training must include at least--

(1) 3 hours of cross-country flight training in a gyroplane;

(2) Except as provided in Sec. 61.110 of this part, 3 hours of night flight training in a gyroplane that includes--

(i) One cross-country flight of over 50 nautical miles total distance; and

(ii) 10 takeoffs and 10 landings to a full stop (with each landing involving a flight in the traffic pattern) at an airport.

(3) 3 hours of flight training in preparation for the practical test in a gyroplane, which must have been performed within the 60-day period preceding the date of the test; and

(4) 10 hours of solo flight time in a gyroplane, consisting of at least--

(i) 3 hours of cross-country time;

(ii) One solo cross-country flight of over 75 nautical miles total distance, with landings at a minimum of three points, and one segment of the flight being a straight-line distance of at least 25 nautical miles between the takeoff and landing locations; and

(iii) Three takeoffs and three landings to a full stop (with each landing involving a flight in the traffic pattern) at an airport with an operating

control tower.

(e) For a powered-lift rating. Except as provided in paragraph (i) of this section, a person who applies for a private pilot certificate with a powered-lift category rating must log at least 40 hours of flight time that includes at least 20 hours of flight training from an authorized instructor and 10 hours of solo flight training in the areas of operation listed in Sec. 61.107(b)(5) of this part, and the training must include at least--

(1) 3 hours of cross-country flight training in a powered-lift;

(2) Except as provided in Sec. 61.110 of this part, 3 hours of night flight training in a powered-lift that includes--

(i) One cross-country flight of over 100 nautical miles total distance; and

(ii) 10 takeoffs and 10 landings to a full stop (with each landing involving a flight in the traffic pattern) at an airport.

(3) 3 hours of flight training in a powered-lift on the control and maneuvering of a powered-lift solely by reference to instruments, including straight and level flight, constant airspeed climbs and descents, turns to a heading, recovery from unusual flight attitudes, radio communications, and the use of navigation systems/facilities and radar services appropriate to instrument flight;

(4) 3 hours of flight training in preparation for the practical test in a powered-lift, which must have been performed within the 60-day period

preceding the date of the test; and

(5) 10 hours of solo flight time in an airplane or powered-lift consisting of at least--

(i) 5 hours cross-country time;

(ii) One cross-country flight of at least 150 nautical miles total distance, with landings at a minimum of three points, and one segment of the flight being a straight-line distance of at least 50 nautical miles between the takeoff and landing locations; and

(iii) Three takeoffs and three landings to a full stop (with each landing involving a flight in the traffic pattern) at an airport with an operating

control tower.

(f) For a glider category rating.

(1) If the applicant for a private pilot certificate with a glider category rating has not logged at least 40 hours of flight time as a pilot in a heavier-than-air aircraft, the applicant must log at least 10 hours of flight time in a glider in the areas of operation listed in Sec. 61.107(b)(6) of this part, and that flight time must include at least--

(i) 20 flights in a glider in the areas of operations listed in Sec. 61.107(b)(6) of this part, including at least 3 training flights in a glider with an authorized instructor in preparation for the practical test that must have been performed within the 60-day period preceding the date of the test; and

(ii) 2 hours of solo flight time in a glider in the areas of operation listed in Sec. 61.107(b)(6) of this part, with not less than 10 launches and landings being performed.

(2) If the applicant has logged at least 40 hours of flight time in a heavier-than-air aircraft, the applicant must log at least 3 hours of flight time in a glider in the areas of operation listed in Sec. 61.107(b)(6) of this part, and that flight time must include at least--

(i) 10 solo flights in a glider in the areas of operation listed in Sec. 61.107(b)(6) of this part; and

(ii) 3 training flights in a glider with an authorized instructor in preparation for the practical test that must have been performed within the 60-day period preceding the date of the test.

(g) For an airship rating. A person who applies for a private pilot certificate with a lighter-than-air category and airship class rating must log at least:

(1) 25 hours of flight training in airships on the areas of operation listed in Sec. 61.107(b)(7) of this part, which consists of at least:

(i) 3 hours of cross-country flight training in an airship;

(ii) Except as provided in Sec. 61.110 of this part, 3 hours of night flight training in an airship that includes:

(A) A cross-country flight of over 25 nautical miles total distance; and

(B) Five takeoffs and five landings to a full stop (with each landing involving a flight in the traffic pattern) at an airport.

(2) 3 hours of flight training in an airship on the control and maneuvering of an airship solely by reference to instruments, including straight and level flight, constant airspeed climbs and descents, turns to a heading, recovery from unusual flight attitudes, radio communications, and the use of navigation systems/facilities and radar services appropriate to instrument flight;

(3) 3 hours of flight training in an airship in preparation for the practical test within the 60 days preceding the date of the test; and

(4) 5 hours performing the duties of pilot in command in an airship with an authorized instructor.

(h) For a balloon rating. A person who applies for a private pilot certificate with a lighter-than-air category and balloon class rating must log at least 10 hours of flight training that includes at least six training flights with an authorized instructor in the areas of operation listed in Sec. 61.107(b)(8) of this part, that includes--

(1) Gas balloon. If the training is being performed in a gas balloon, at least two flights of 2 hours each that consists of--

(i) At least one training flight with an authorized instructor within 60 days prior to application for the rating on the areas of operation for a gas


(ii) At least one flight performing the duties of pilot in command in a gas balloon with an authorized instructor; and

(iii) At least one flight involving a controlled ascent to 3,000 feet above the launch site.

(2) Balloon with an airborne heater. If the training is being performed in a balloon with an airborne heater, at least--

(i) Two flights of 1 hour each within 60 days prior to application for the rating on the areas of operation appropriate to a balloon with an airborne


(ii) One solo flight in a balloon with an airborne heater; and

(iii) At least one flight involving a controlled ascent to 2,000 feet above the launch site.

(i) Permitted credit for use of a flight simulator or flight training device.

(1) Except as provided in paragraphs (i)(2) of this section, a maximum of 2.5 hours of training in a flight simulator or flight training device representing the category, class, and type, if applicable, of aircraft appropriate to the rating sought, may be credited toward the flight training time required by this section, if received from an authorized instructor.

(2) A maximum of 5 hours of training in a flight simulator or flight training device representing the category, class, and type, if applicable, of aircraft appropriate to the rating sought, may be credited toward the flight training time required by this section if the training is accomplished in a

course conducted by a training center certificated under part 142 of this chapter.

(3) Except when fewer hours are approved by the Administrator, an applicant for a private pilot certificate with an airplane, rotor craft, or powered-lift rating, who has satisfactorily completed an approved private pilot course conducted by a training center certificated under part 142 of this chapter, need only have a total of 35 hours of aeronautical experience to meet the requirements of this section.